miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

     My full name is Tatiana Marie Laboy Ortiz, born on April 30th 1994 in San Juan Puerto Rico. Oldest daughter of Javier Laboy and Grisel Ortiz, I have three sisters one who is seventeen years old and two others that are both five years old. Since I was little I’ve always been a mischievous and curious child resulting in lots of cuts and bruises. Growing up I’ve been changed from school to school, by the time I graduated from Ramon Vila Mayo High School I’ve been in a total of seven schools, the longest being three years in high school. I was in the honor roll all thought my school life up until 10th grade when my rebellious self kicked in. Thought the years though I’ve made some really good friends whom I love and cherish. They will always have my back no matter what as well as my family especially my uncle.
     My future is just getting started, got admitted in the University of Puerto Rico studying what I wanted which is criminal justice forensic psychology. I’ve had jobs too in the summer of 2012 I worked in a summer camp and when that ended I went on to be a boost boy in a restaurant and my most recent was in Sears as a cashier but sadly it ended because it was only seasonal. My main goal is of course finishing school but to also have a stable job and eventually be completely independent and on my own. Who knows what the future has in store for me but I only hope is good things. I have still many blank pages to write in about my life and story ahead, my hope is that I live my life to the fullest with no regrets.