Example Essay

Clothes can tell a lot about a person

          In the first years of human existence the use of clothing was to cover ourselves and have a little privacy. Obviously as the years have gone by, everything has changed and it keeps changing constantly. Now clothing is used as a form of expressing ourselves and to give an impression to the world. By looking at a person you notice every part of them and the clothes are a big part of that first impression. There is a wide range of different clothes and styles one can choose from to express our individuality.
          People often judge others by the way they dress, it could be in a good way or a bad way. For example, if you see a woman wearing clothes that are too revealing, weather she wants it or not, people may assume that she is an easy woman or worst thing. Also, if she’s wearing really nicely with expensive pieces of clothing they could say that she’s stuck up or has a lot of money. If a woman has a good sense of style they could be mean in the way they comment. Women are more complicated when it comes to how they dress, how they look and how they feel.
          Men, on the other hand, are much simpler when it comes to how they dress. However they to have a hard time with prejudice either if they dress nicely or badly. With men they wear some nice shoes, shirt and jeans and they look good. If they dress trashy they will get rejected or people are going to think they look dirty. Generally, they don’t care too much about their appearance as much as women do. Society is much harsher with women than with men but no matter what anybody wears it gives out a little bit of every one.
          On the other hand, by the way people dress you can tell all sorts of things without even speaking to the person. In fact, when you see a photo and look at the clothes you can tell more or less in what moment in time was it taken, like the decade, years, era, millennium, etc. also you can guess in what religion they are, from where they are, what kinds of things they like by looking at a graphic t-shirt, you can tell where they work and where they’re been. It’s amazing how much information one can gather just looking at a person’s clothes without speaking to them.
          We don’t realize how you judge a person just by looking at her or his clothes. As a matter of fact we do this every day, constantly and unconsciously.  It’s good to have this ability too because it helps us figure out a person before we talk to them and figure out who we are and what we want to project to the world. But we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or we’ll never know if we are missing out on a great person. Neither let our vanity get the best of us and with the way we dress and look.

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