Cause and Effective Essay

The Effects Playing in Team Sports has on a Young Person’s Future

           Our children are the future of our country; therefore we have to mold them into the right direction. Encouraging our children to play sports, do their homework, teaching them values are some of the things that will help them in the future. When they become young adults all they have learned in their childhood will come into play when they are taking decisions and choosing how to live their lives. One thing that can really help them is playing team sports. Some sports can be soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc., if they play them from a young age will be of great benefit in the future.
          Playing team sports is very helpful when building a person’s confidence from a young age. The reason it is helpful is because when they are in a team they feel secure that whatever they do their team mates will be behind them and help them in the game to achieve a goal. Not only do they feel supported by their team mates there is also the coach, the school (if the sport is in the school) and their proud parents. As a result when they face the real world they will be more confident making decision to achieve a goal. Standing up for what they believe is the better choice when it comes to the future and when they become adults they will be self assured adults.
         In sports there is also a lot of analyzing to make sure you have a great play where everyone can contribute and consequently win a game. This is also a skill that is needed in the future to be able to analyze a situation. Playing in team sports teaches you this when you try to analyze every movement your opponents make so that you and your team can strike back hard and try to win. This comes in handy in the real world when you are faced with a challenge and need to make decisions based on the analysis made of the situation. Teaches to have great care of what you do and stop to think and analyze instead of acting on a passion.
          The very first thing you need to understand when you are in a team sport is that you need to think of the team instead of only thinking about yourself. As a result when you are in the real world instead of only thinking about how it will affect you, you learn to think about others and the people you care about. When making a decision this comes in handy for the future for example, when you have a family you will think of your family and how it will affect them. When being in a team sport is like a family and you learn to look after others instead of being selfish. It teaches you to be selfless.
          Because of team sports you can gain lots of helpful things that is not easy to achieve on your own without a support system. That is how people should look at team sports, as a support group for young people and a great way to grow up. Not to mention that is a perfect way to beat child obesity and trying to stay fit. I recommend everyone to put their children in team sports because it teaches them values and helps them achieve their goals for a better future. 

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