Argumentative Essay

Tatiana Laboy Ortiz
February 25, 2013
Ingles 3104 L15

Types of books I read

            I started reading books in english when I was twelve years old. At first I really disliked reading, my mother tried getting me into reading when I was nine because she wanted me and my sister to read at least two books each summer. Although I love reading now back then I gave up on reading because I didn’t completely dominated the english language like I do now. The first book I finished completely was a fictional book and I remember that I felt accomplished and as if I had discovered a whole new world in books. Since then I’ve read a lot of books of different types and different authors.
           Lately my favorite books are the type of books that are so popular that they get made into movies. For example The Hunger Games, Twilight and a new one that’s coming this year is The Mortal Instrument. I get really excited when I read a really good book that I know is really popular and later on I hear that it will be made into a movie. When a book is made into a movie it can be either good or bad because once you read the book obviously you want the movie to be as close to the book as possible and sometimes it is a real disappointment. Nonetheless for a booklover like myself to hear that your favorite book is being made into a movie it is a real thrill.
          Most of the books I have read consist of some kind supernatural creature, fiction, horror, fantasy, science fiction and many series. I don’t know why but something about those types of books appeal to me and really catch my attention. It’s so different from the world we live in and I think that’s why I like them so much because they can create a totally new world of heroes and bad guys that go into battle and there is action all the time. So many possibilities and different things can happen in those kinds of books that really call out to young adults such as myself. However there are still so many books left for me to discover that I shouldn’t limit myself to these kinds only.
          I still keep searching for new books so that I can expand my interests and my knowledge. For example I would love to star reading the entire collection of Edgar Alan Poe which is made of short stories and poems. I also want to be able to read old english and understand it because it is richer in terms of the descriptions and the words they use of course. Other types of books I would love to read are biographies, inspirational, classics and heath. The thing with me and books is that it has to catch my attention from the beginning or else I will not finish the book because I get bored. That is why I always stick to fictional books, they always take me by surprise.
         I am absolutely in love with reading and I think everyone should experience the joys of reading a really good book. Sadly my generation has lost the interest with all the technology we have they don’t appreciate the physical feel or smell a book has, nor do they care. I will keep searching for different types of books and keep reading. This will all be done with time although no matter how occupied I am I always find time to read at least a book to escape from my everyday life. I also hope I can pass the love of reading to my children so that it won’t get lost in this world full of technology we live in.

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